Jant SA, manufactures mechanized parts since 1984. We have a stable human team with more than 30 years of experience in the sector that makes us a company capable of effectively and efficiently controlling all stages of machining projects.
This policy is the frame of reference for our goals. Management has the objective of continuous improvement in all those activities that it develops, for which it acquires the following commitments:
Ensure our clients satisfaction, strictly complying with the legal and regulatory requirements that apply to us, as well as those acquired with them.
Make a constant effort to update, in terms of environmental and quality knowledge, which allows us to meet customers needs with the certainty of being able to offer them the solution they need.
Communicate to the customer, as far in advance as possible, the incidents that may occur in manufacturing and thus minimize the impact that these may have.
Hiring qualified personnel and undergo continuous training at the technical level that constitutes a guarantor of achieving quality in the service provided.
Provide updated technical means to our employees, backed by the use of new technologies and equipment that improve production processes and management derived from the process.
Establish internal information and communication channels that facilitate the participation, contribution and commitment of employees with the company's goals.
Rationalize the consumption of natural resources and the prevention and minimization of waste generation, both toxic and non-toxic, in accordance with current legislation.
Periodically establish goals in compliance with this policy, evaluating environmental performance and promoting continuous improvement of environmental management as a basic principle of action, prioritizing preventive measures over corrective ones.
Share this policy among employees, suppliers, subcontractors, customers and other interested parties, working with them to resolve any problem and involving them in respecting it in all their activities.
Train and raise awareness among all employees about the possible environmental aspects that may arise, making them partakers of the objectives and respect for our policy.
Implement measures that promote and favor gender equality in the organization and the compatibility of personal, family and professional life.
Maintain the workplace in adequate safety and health conditions.
Based on the principle that incidents, accidents and occupational diseases must be avoided, committing ourselves to achieving a high level of Safety and Health at work, and complying with current legislation and with the criteria established by our clients.
A proposal by the Management of Jant SA of goals, audited and reviewed periodically, will be those that allow us to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of our System. The detection of opportunities for improvement in our System, through periodic reviews of it, will guarantee its permanent adaptation and suitability to the demands of a complex market and of important social implications.
Jant SA, understands that, to ensure the continuous improvement process derived from monitoring the established objectives, the entire human team involved in said process, its own staff, suppliers, collaborators and customers, must be involved in it, with the commitment by the Management to promote and support all those initiatives that contribute to continuous improvement.
To ensure the achievement of the results defined in our policy, Jant SA communicates it at all levels, ensures its commitment to it, and considers that complying and enforcing it is the responsibility of all the people who participate in the company's activity. .